University Of Louisville Fingernail Tattoos
University Of Louisville Tattoos
Officially licensed temporary fingernail tattoos. Each tattoo package comes with a collection of 4 sheets nail temporary tattoos to give you enough for hands and feet, or two wearing. Tattoos are applied with a wet cloth and easily removed with clear tape. We recommend for nails to clear coat them after application. Made in USA.
Officially licensed temporary tattoos. Each tattoo sheet comes with a multiple collection of temporary tattoos. Tattoos are applied with a wet cloth and easily removed with clear tape. Made in USA.
University Of Louisville Cloisonne Pin
University Of Louisville Cloisonne Pin
Officially licensed collector pins made with hard enamel colors and polished to a smooth surface. The cloisonne pin is the smallest and most popular trading collectible. Packaged in a on a retail clamshell. Made in China or Taiwan.
Officially licensed collector pins made with hard enamel colors and polished to a smooth surface. The cloisonne pin is the smallest and most popular trading collectible. Packaged in a on a retail clamshell. Made in China or Taiwan.